Packet Details
A Plus Hastanesi

Bronz Genel Check-Up

Paket Kapsamı


  1. Kolesterol Total
  2. Kolesterol LDL
  3. Kolesterol HDL
  4. Trigliserid
  5. Tam Kan Sayimi (Hemogram)
  6. HBA1C
  7. CRP
  8. Hbsag
  9. Sgot (Ast)
  10. ALT(sgpt)
  11. Üre (Bun)
  12. TSH
  13. Sodyum
  14. Potasyum (K)
  15. Açlık Kan Şekeri (Hexokinase)
  16. Insulin
  17. Sedimantasyon
  18. Demir
  19. Demir Bağlama Kapasitesi
  20. Ferritin
  21. Cea (Genel Kanser Taramasi)
  22. Smear Testi (Kadın)
  23. Total Psa (Erkeklere Özel)
  24. Dışkıda Gizli Kan
  25. Kalsiyum
  26. Kreatinin
  27. Tam Idrar Tahlili
  28. B12
  29. Inceleme

  30. Eko (Kalp Ultrasonu)
  31. Tüm Abdomen Ultrasonografisi
  32. EKG
  33. Akciğer Grafisi (İki Yönlü)
  34. Troid Ultrason
  35. Meme Ultrasonu (Kadın 40 Yaş Altı)
  36. Mamografi (40 Yaş Altı Kadın)
  37. Muayene

  38. Kardiyoloji Muayenesi,Göğüs Cerrahisi Muayenesi
  39. Dahili Muayene
  40. Kadın Hastalıkları Ve Doğum Muayenesi
  41. Üroloji Muayenesi
  42. Göz Hastalıkları
  43. Diyetisyen Muayenesi

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How is a check-up performed?

A check-up is a medical procedure where a healthcare professional or doctor examines the patient and assesses their health condition. Check-ups can be performed regularly to monitor health status, detect diseases early, receive healthy lifestyle recommendations, and obtain medical advice.

What should be considered before a check-up?

If you are on regular medication or have a chronic illness, you should inform your doctor of this. Additionally, share any serious illnesses or surgeries you have undergone in the past. You may need to be fasting for certain tests during the check-up. Follow the preparation instructions given by your doctor. For example, you may need to fast for a blood sugar test. If you are experiencing specific health problems or symptoms, clearly express these symptoms. Your doctor needs this information to understand the cause of the symptoms and make an accurate diagnosis. Before the check-up, review your lifestyle. If you smoke, consume alcohol, or are exposed to certain risk factors (e.g., family history), discuss these with your doctor. These factors may affect your health.

What is checked during a check-up?

  1. High blood pressure
  2. Diabetes
  3. Cerebrovascular diseases
  4. Heart diseases
  5. Immune system disorders
  6. Obesity and high cholesterol
  7. Liver and kidney diseases
  8. Lung diseases
  9. Infectious diseases such as Hepatitis, HIV, measles
  10. Osteoporosis
  11. Thyroid gland disorders
  12. Psychiatric disorders such as depression

How long does a check-up take?

The duration of a check-up depends on the types of tests being performed, your health condition, your doctor's workload, and the health facility's policies. Generally, a check-up can take anywhere from a few hours to a full day.

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